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The prototypes

November 2, 2008

The prototypes have come in and I think they have turned out fabulously!
There are a couple of changes to make and then they will be ready to go!

Here is a preview of my first release chipboard embellishments.

The reindeer pop out so you have use of the positive and the negative images.
These are one of the chipboard embellishments that are having a little change.

What’s better for Xmas (other than reindeer!) but candy canes. YUM!

Finally, it’s just not Xmas without presents!

Here is a balloon arrow (I love working with this arrow!) and some little trophy cups. These are the Star cups and I have also made a heart cup, which you can see on my layout below.

My last prototype for today is the “Journal it”, journaling spots. I am so totally in love with these! They are just gorgeous.

Now I have had a little play with some of my chippies already and I am feeling very impressed. Below is my first LO using a journal it and the heart trophy from my collection. I have also used one of Ann Lederhose Geo Corners. Love playing with your Geo corner Ann :0)

As you can see I have painted Ann’s Geo corner with red Acrylic paints, I then attached some yummy black/white spotted ribbon, and finished it off by stitching it to my layout with black thread.

My new favourite scrap product at the moment is Flocking. Firstly I painted my journal it with black acrylic paint. Once dry I covered it with glue and pressed it into a layer of black flocking. When the glue has dried I give it a little shake and use a paint brush to go around the edges and remove any unwanted flocking.

Lastly, here is a close up shot of my little heart trophy cup. I have painted it yellow with acrylic paint and the heart red. When it was nice and dry I doodled the edges.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my prototypes as much as I did when I received them in the post.
I must admit I was VERY excited 😀


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